I'm trying to stop ai from identifying a static object as a person. So I went to the Alert tab -> AI configuration -> checked the Static object analysis checkbox and clicked the Configure button. The AI object analysis window is showing an image that is at least several weeks old. It is showing an RV that hasn't been parked there for at least 3 weeks. And in this image, the static object (bush) that I want to label is hidden because the RV is taking up the entire image. I tried clicking the refresh button (circular arrows) with and without the Auto refresh checkbox checked, and tried clicking the Analyze now button. I also tried stopping the bi service and the codeproject ai service. The image does not refresh to a current snapshot of the area. Does anyone know how to force a new image of the current surroundings in this window?
bi ai object analysis using old image
Re: bi ai object analysis using old image
I had that issue. If you have the static object analysis box ticked, untick it and hit ok and let it save the settings. Then go back and tick the box again and save. If it's not ticked tick it and save. That got mine to update.
Re: bi ai object analysis using old image
Thanks for the reply. That's not working for me. I even tried unchecking the Confirm the alert with AI checkbox and clicked ok. I wasn't using the "static object analysis" on any of the cameras before this so the static object analysis box has been unchecked until now.
I guess that I wasn't following your directions correctly. I did get it to work. Thanks.