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BSOD when accessing web server with NVIDIA card?

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:01 pm
by CommonSenseAl
My new AMD Ryzen 3900X system has been extremely stable and then BAM! I get two BSOD's on the same day.

It seemed to start at the same time I was accessing the Blue Iris 5 web server (from another computer on my network; not the computer that runs Blue Iris) and streaming security footage through my browser (Chrome).

After the first BSOD I updated the NVIDIA drivers... then another BSOD followed later that day.

it's with SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED and nvlddmkm.sys.

I've since closed the Blue Iris web server browser tabs and so far no further issues.

I was wondering if anyone else had experienced anything like this?

I'm hoping it's an NVIDIA driver bug that exposes itself when accessing the Blue Iris 5 web server.

Re: BSOD when accessing web server with NVIDIA card?

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:27 pm
by CommonSenseAl
If you have an NVIDIA card then feel free to try it yourself... using Chrome.

Please go to this address:

Username: Fox4
Password: 4WEATher

Leave the tab open for awhile and see if get a BSOD. It won't happen right away.

Oh, I'm using Windows 1903 with all the updates too.

Re: BSOD when accessing web server with NVIDIA card?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 7:14 pm
by CommonSenseAl
UPDATE: Since I stopped accessing the Blue Iris web interface on my 3900X computer, it's been rock solid again... thank goodness.

So all signs point to an issue with NVIDIA drivers and/or Windows 10 and/or 3900X when accessing the new Blue Irus 5 web interface. Recently there was some news about some new microcode for the AMD processors coming out soon that has 100+ changes/fixes/improvements or something... maybe that has something to do with it too. Who knows for sure... I'm just glad that my main development computer is stable again.