I have been using MQTT to sent alert JPG from BI to Home Assistant. This has been working flawlessly for more than a year.
After a recent update to BI to, most of the time the MQTT alert message only contains a quarter of the camera image.
I thought maybe there was an issue with the size, so I set up the alert image to resize smaller, but the issue persists.
I can confirm that the alert image created by BI is correct on disk with a full view of the camera image, but when intercepting the MQTT message I can confirm the image is only about 1/4 of the frame, top left, confirming that this isn't an issue with the MQTT integration on Home Assistant.
The other weirdness is that this only happens about 80% of the time and there is no rhyme or reason to when it sends a full frame image or a quarter frame. The images sent to email from the same trigger action are full frame, this only impacts MQTT.
MQTT Topic: BI/&CAM/alert-image-b64
Post/payload: &ALERT_JPEG
MQTT retain: true x64 BI
I tried reverting back to 5.9.5 but that did not correct the issue, which could point to some windows update that could have changed something that BI uses to send the MQTT messages.
UPDATE: I moved the MQTT action to the top of the list on the alert actions and that corrected the problem.
MQTT Alert &ALERT_JPEG image cut off issue
Re: MQTT Alert &ALERT_JPEG image cut off issue
Glad to hear the issue got resolved by moving the MQTT action up.
Sometimes, order of execution can affect the behavior. If anyone still faces issues with image sizes, it's also worth checking if the image compression or resizing settings are affecting the quality. You can use an image compressor tool to optimize image files.
Sometimes, order of execution can affect the behavior. If anyone still faces issues with image sizes, it's also worth checking if the image compression or resizing settings are affecting the quality. You can use an image compressor tool to optimize image files.
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