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Re: Random Unavailable via phone

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:41 am
by TimG
Any chance an admin or a developer may know if this is a longstanding issue when BI is run as a service?
You would be best to ask that directly to support by email. Make sure you add your licence info - best done by using the "Email Support" button within BI5.

Re: Random Unavailable via phone

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:13 am
by Homer81
Does anyone have some advise to provide on this? I'm supper happy with the softwares functionality but with the recent not connecting, I may have to look elsewhere as it's not usable.

Re: Random Unavailable via phone

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:41 am
by Homer81
well. This is upsetting... I'm looking around to see if anyone has information related to services getting stuck or why Blue iris would stop replying to requests to connect.

Would have thought the owners of the software would have jumped in to support a long term customer.

Re: Random Unavailable via phone

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:38 am
by Homer81
Well. It happened again yesterday. 3 different devices, all with internet access but cannot access blue iris. Checked the server, it's up and running the service yet clients cannot connect. Opened a teamviewer session to teh system, tried to connect to (BI port) and it did not pop up immediately.

Waited about 15-20 seconds and then the clients connected.

Can anyone, maybe the support team or developers help me.

Re: Random Unavailable via phone

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:40 am
by TimG
Hi Homer81,

They don't often post here, which is why I suggested you sent an email to support. I usually get a response within a couple of days. Don"t lose hope !

I think the lack of responses from other members only shows that nobody else is having the same issue - which again points to it being something on your system rather than a BI issue.

I may be wrong though, and that is where support comes in.

Re: Random Unavailable via phone

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:15 am
by Homer81
I have been in contact with Ken via email and it appears the situation has been resolved with an update. I am closely monitoring this with a script.

It appears it has something to do with the web server process failing.

Re: Random Unavailable via phone

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:05 pm
by Matts1984
Wow thank you for following up and I'm glad it seems to have been resolved with some patches. Sorry you didn't get more assistance on this in "the heat of it". Not that I am a developer or anything but I didn't post anything.

What sort of script are you running? Just curious. The only other thing I would have thought to do was to run a packet capture on your server filtering for connections on tcp/2556. It could have been helpful to know what was happening to the connections and if you could correlate. I assume there were Resets coming from your server to your mobile devices when the service was down. The downside is those captures could have gotten pretty massive if this wasn't something that reliably (ie could be triggered) happening. It's interesting that I never ran into this and I wonder why. I assume it comes down to the circumstances that would cause the web service to crash/hang. I believe my WAF is doing very regular automated health checks which maybe kept my services alive and working. Purely speculation.

Re: Random Unavailable via phone

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:59 pm
by Homer81
Hey Matts1984.

One the server, the port just stops responding. It may work for 6 hours or 6 days then something happens and when I do a netstat, I no longer see the port open on the server.

I'm running the free version of Nagios to monitor a few things in my network, so I use this to do a Http request to the port every 5 minutes to detect if it's down.

You could run a Windows script to check via netstat if the port is open.

I'm not really sure what the fix was or what the issue was